[Instaler] chyba - Download package failed

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Příspěvky: 9848
Registrován: pát říj 12, 2007 9:32 pm

[Instaler] chyba - Download package failed

Příspěvek od Julek »

Tohle si zaslouží extra topic :
Třeba to někomu vyřeší problém.

od Morena :

Jinak pokud vam Installer pise chybu "Download package failed", nasel jsem pricinu v teto odpovedi kdesi na forech

Ste (admin of Istaller app) has moved the repository from one site to another. So, you're getting the package download failure notices because most of the files simply AREN'T THERE anymore.

The only thing to do is to change the URL of "Ste Packaging" to http://repo.smxy.org/iphone-apps/ in the Sources section of Installer app.
Or (preferred) simply install Community Sources (can be found in Sources among the installs) it does the same automatically.

If you've installed Community Sources or changed the URL manually, you'll be able to get those installs.

Tedy pro neanglictinare - zadejte si Repo - http://repo.smxy.org/iphone-apps/ a vse pobezi jak ma. Smile

Respektujte pravidla, pak si u mě můžete stěžovat na moderátory.

