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Ako nastavit iCloud kalendar a Reminders [Mac Snow Leopard]

Napsal: pon lis 07, 2011 5:35 pm
od rony
Iste viete, ze Snow Leopard je od iCloud dosledne odrezany. Dokonca ludia s Windows XP maju lepsie moznosti.

Nasiel som moznost vlozot iCloud kalendar do v Snow Leopard ... tlook.html

Open iCal in Snow Leopard (if is up to date, it should be Version 4.0.4 (1395.7).
Select 'Preferences' from the iCal Drop Down Menu.
Click the + sign to add a new Calendar.
Select the 'CalDAV' option under the Account type.
Enter your 'User name' which is your iCloud .me email address.
Enter your iCloud 'Password'.
Now comes the tricky part; the 'Server address'. See below.
It will be of the form (the XX would be numbers of the dedicated server). I was able to determine this value by sending an invite to another one of my other email accounts and clicking the 'Accept' button. This will open the reply in a web browser. If you look at the long URL, at the end there is a pXX value and that's the dedicated server.

Once that is done, the calendar will show up iCal. However, a few minor updates will need to be done so that it behaves just like in Lion's iCal.

Click the 'Server Settings' tab for your new calendar and update the 'Server address' with your

Next you need to update the 'Server path'. The way that it was configured is based on the MobileMe configuration and it needs to be updated to the iCloud. The value that MobileMe has is /principals/users/1.XXXXXXXXXX/ (The XXXXXXX is the dedicated number for your account. Update the path to /XXXXXXXXXX/principal/.

Update the 'Port' to 443 and select the 'Use SSL' option if is not selected.

Restart iCal in Snow Leopard. The Calendar will refresh.

[crarko adds: I haven't tested this one, although it looks very similar to the hoops you have to jump through sometimes when running the iCal service in OS X Server.

I'm one of those poor folks maintaining a mixed Lion/Snow Leopard setup holding out for some kind of update to Snow Leopard that will support a few basic iCloud functions like this. And I'm not switching from MobileMe to iCloud until either I see that, or have no other choice next Summer.]

Nebudem to prekladat, lebo som to neskusal. Kto mate chut k experimentom, dajte upresnenia. Vela ludi by si zrejme chcelo syncovat SL s iCloudom, najma tie kontakty, udalosti...

Re: Ako nastavit iCloud kalendar na macu s Snow Leopard

Napsal: úte lis 08, 2011 3:35 pm
od ls8
Funguje, díky za tip!

Jen doplním, že po přidání účtu mi to nabídlo dva nalezené účty, jeden "" a druhý "". Vybral jsem a nemusel jsem pak dělat ta další popisovaná nastavení jako je úprava adresy serveru, cesty a portu.

Jupííííííí 8)

Re: Ako nastavit iCloud kalendar na Macu s Snow Leopard

Napsal: úte lis 08, 2011 5:07 pm
od rony
nasiel som este toto

ale pochopitelne nemam odvahu to nainstalovat :) je to cracknuty installer icloudu. neskumal som web ci je to bezproblemove.

Re: Ako nastavit iCloud kalendar na Macu s Snow Leopard

Napsal: úte led 10, 2012 4:22 pm
od krtekon
už to nškdo zkoušel? případně můžeš sem hodit kde si to našel, na netu jsem nenašel ani zmínku. díky

Re: Ako nastavit iCloud kalendar na Macu s Snow Leopard

Napsal: pon kvě 07, 2012 8:09 pm
od rony
Ja som to teraz nastavil na mojom Snow Leopard do iCal, samozrejme treba vediet, ze vo View si musis zapnut postrannu listu s ToDo :) ... ith-icloud

funguje to obojsmerne a prenasa mi Reminders do ToDo v iCal a aj OPACNE!!!