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Apple prerusil mlceni o Push Notifikacich

Napsal: pon čer 22, 2009 2:28 am
od PaDoX
We may finally have an answer as to why so many high profile push-capable applications haven?t been released into the App Store, and it seems that the problem is exactly what we expected? Apple just wasn?t ready yet.

Dominik Balogh from PoweryBase, the developer of the first push-based reminder iPhone app NotifyMe, sent us an email this morning confirming that the problems have all been on Apple?s end.

The release delay of Push based applications is intentional, of course. We have submitted NotifyMe 10 days ago, the same time as Beejive has submitted their new BeejiveIM version with Push capabilities. We have just received (now, sunday morning in Cupertino) an apology from Apple App Store Staff.

Apparently Apple just hasn?t worked out all of the push notification bugs quite yet.  Balogh stated that according to their records, Apple hasn?t even started using NotifyMe yet, which would indicate that the problems have nothing to do with any of the apps in review.  Balogh also stated that in their testing conditions, all push messages with NotifyMe were working ?extremely well and right on time,? which creates a bit of confusion as to what the real problem is.  The un-reviewed push-capable apps must be piling up as we speak.

So until Apple works out the kinks, you won?t be seeing any new push-capable apps anytime soon, but at least they have officially broken their silence on the matter.  Hang in their everyone.

Re: Apple potichu prerušil Push Notifikácie [EN]

Napsal: pon čer 22, 2009 7:54 am
od vbruno
Tak to je opravdu uzasny. Aspon ze existuje nejaka overena informace. Pote co se notifikace jiz jednou zdrzely a Apple si nechal cas na doladeni, nyni s velkou slavou notifikace oznamil a nakonec se ukazalo, ze opet nic.

EDIT: Ted jsem si precetl titulek clanku ktery tu je tlumocen a nechci urazit autora topicu, ale ten preklad titulku neni moc stastny. Spravne je podle me

Apple prerusil mlceni o Push Notifikacich

To dava vetsi smysl :-)

whisky96: suhlasim a menim povodny nazov clanku, pre zaujemcov, tu je original: ... n-silence/

Uprimne se celkem divim, ze kvuli tomu zde na foru neni vetsi rozruch. Push Notifikace jsou celkem zasadni zmenou nahrazujici dlouho zadane backround procesy a po jejich oznameni to vypada, ze jen tak nebudou. Ja jsem v tomto Applem teda hodne zklamany.

Re: Apple prerusil mlceni o Push Notifikacich

Napsal: pon čer 22, 2009 9:07 am
od contrast
Ja som tiez velmi sklamany, to je presne ta vec na ktoru som sa najviac tesil a hlavne ze uz nebudem musiet backgrounder pouzivat, aj tak som ho len na nimbuzz pouzival. Dufam ze to nezpojazdia o polroka.

Re: Apple prerusil mlceni o Push Notifikacich

Napsal: pon čer 22, 2009 9:56 am
od BednyS
Ono vubec cely fw 3.0 je pro me tak trochu zklamani. Po opadnuti prvniho nadseni jsem zjistil ze pro me zas tak nic zasadniho neprinesl.
Push notifikace + zatim nefungujici backgrounder :cry:

edit: Nemyslel jsem to tak ze by byl spatny, ale proste jsem od nej cekal vic.

Re: Apple prerusil mlceni o Push Notifikacich

Napsal: pon čer 22, 2009 1:20 pm
od contrast
FW 3.0 nieje zly, pridal podla mna dost vela veci, len sa to casom tak nezda, ale keby si sa vratil na 2.x tak by si to pocitil. Ako 11 obrazoviek, jeden priklad za vsetky. :)

Re: Apple prerusil mlceni o Push Notifikacich

Napsal: pon čer 22, 2009 2:11 pm
od mathev
nechapem preco sa koli tomuto zalozilo nove tema... mam pocit ze toto forum spravuje niekto komu tento bordel co tu vznikol vobec nevadi.... clovek hlada nejake relevantne info a koli jednej veci vznikne niekolko duplicitnych topikov uplne zbytocne a vsetky su zaspamovane tym istym plus tolko offtopicu co tu v poslednej dobe je je celkom udes....

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