OT: Zoner Photo Studio HOME - dnes zdarma
Napsal: úte úno 09, 2010 9:19 pm
Vim ze par lidi zde pracuje i s grafikou pri tvorbe temat a ikonek, toz si dovoluji upozornit na zajimavou akci serveru Giveaway, dnes je ZPS12 Home zcela zdarma, EN verze. Jen se pravdepodobne musi i dnes instalovat, ale i tak to snad nekomu pomuze :]
Odkaz: Giveaway of the Day - Zoner Photo Studio 12
Timeout v teto chvili: You have 11 hours 50 minutes to download and install it.
Enjoy! :]
Odkaz: Giveaway of the Day - Zoner Photo Studio 12
Kód: Vybrat vše
Please note that the software you download and install during
the Giveaway period comes with the following important limitations:
1) No free technical support
2) No free upgrades to future versions
3) Strictly non-commercial usage
Timeout v teto chvili: You have 11 hours 50 minutes to download and install it.
Enjoy! :]