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PayPal a Pay Safe Card ??

Napsal: čtv led 13, 2011 11:06 pm
od nalevka
Ahoj, dá se nějak jinak nabít PayPal konto než přes kreditku? Třeba přes Pay Safe Card ??

omlouvám se za stupidní dotaz

PayPal a Pay Safe Card ??

Napsal: čtv led 13, 2011 11:10 pm
od ls8
Z jineho paypal uctu.

Re: PayPal a Pay Safe Card ??

Napsal: pát led 14, 2011 1:29 pm
od nalevka
Dá se tomu věřit ?
For this we go to the page
And watch the this box will appear.

We type our code PaySafeCard and the euro are worth as much.
If you want to make several bsp 4x10 ? PaySafeCard below then click "Add another voucher" and it come to new slots.
If you have a password on the PSC, click "PASSWORD PROTECTION? and type him there.
In the column "Your PayPal E-mail address: will add your PayPal email address and in the other column "Your e-mail () for exchange confirmation:" you eamil where you get confirm of transaction .
Now you have to 20min - 12h to wait for the money that counts.

Good luck

Re: PayPal a Pay Safe Card ??

Napsal: pát led 14, 2011 1:34 pm
od Marthin
zkus se zeptat tady ;-)