CEO NOKIA Stephen Elop o APPLE - zajímavé
Napsal: stř úno 09, 2011 4:36 am
Engadget publishes a memo written by Nokia CEO Stephen Elop and posted to the company's employees about the fragile state of their business. The memo is surprisingly candid about the challenges Nokia faces with increased competition from the Apple iPhone and Google's Android. He compares Nokia's current situation to a man standing on a burning platform where the only choice is to shift from expected behavior and "jump".
Of the iPhone's entry into the market, he wrote:
In 2008, Apple's market share in the $300+ price range was 25 percent; by 2010 it escalated to 61 percent. They are enjoying a tremendous growth trajectory with a 78 percent earnings growth year over year in Q4 2010. Apple demonstrated that if designed well, consumers would buy a high-priced phone with a great experience and developers would build applications. They changed the game, and today, Apple owns the high-end range.
volny preklad:
Server Engagdet vydal sdeleni pro zamestnance(memo), ktere napsal a poslal zamestnancnum vykonny reditel spolecnosti Nokia Stephen Elop a tyka se stavu jejich jiz kreheho podnikani z prodeju mobilnich zarizeni. Ve zprave je Stephen prekvapive uprimny. Mluvi o stale vetsich vyzvach kterym nokia musi celit ze strany apple(iphone) a google(android). Srovnava soucasnou situaci nokie jako muze stojiciho na horici desce, kdy jeho jedina moznost je pohnout se z mista a skocit.
pro zajimavost kdyz prisel iphone na trh tak napsal:
V roce 2008 mel Apple podil na trhu u produktu s cenou vyssi nez 300$ 25%; v roce 2010 se to vystupnovalo na 61%. Jen za rok 2010(4. ctvrtleti) jim zisky vzrostly o 78%. Apple nam tim demostroval, ze pokud bude vyrobek dobre vypadat, spotrebitele si ten telefon koupi i za vysokou cenu - navic s prijemnou zkusenosti a vyvojari budou programovat aplikace. Apple zmenil pravidla a dnes je jednicka na trhu s high-end zarizenimi.
souhlasim s MG, priste si to preloz nez to sem das. spousta lidi tady anglicky neumi. JH
Of the iPhone's entry into the market, he wrote:
In 2008, Apple's market share in the $300+ price range was 25 percent; by 2010 it escalated to 61 percent. They are enjoying a tremendous growth trajectory with a 78 percent earnings growth year over year in Q4 2010. Apple demonstrated that if designed well, consumers would buy a high-priced phone with a great experience and developers would build applications. They changed the game, and today, Apple owns the high-end range.
volny preklad:
Server Engagdet vydal sdeleni pro zamestnance(memo), ktere napsal a poslal zamestnancnum vykonny reditel spolecnosti Nokia Stephen Elop a tyka se stavu jejich jiz kreheho podnikani z prodeju mobilnich zarizeni. Ve zprave je Stephen prekvapive uprimny. Mluvi o stale vetsich vyzvach kterym nokia musi celit ze strany apple(iphone) a google(android). Srovnava soucasnou situaci nokie jako muze stojiciho na horici desce, kdy jeho jedina moznost je pohnout se z mista a skocit.
pro zajimavost kdyz prisel iphone na trh tak napsal:
V roce 2008 mel Apple podil na trhu u produktu s cenou vyssi nez 300$ 25%; v roce 2010 se to vystupnovalo na 61%. Jen za rok 2010(4. ctvrtleti) jim zisky vzrostly o 78%. Apple nam tim demostroval, ze pokud bude vyrobek dobre vypadat, spotrebitele si ten telefon koupi i za vysokou cenu - navic s prijemnou zkusenosti a vyvojari budou programovat aplikace. Apple zmenil pravidla a dnes je jednicka na trhu s high-end zarizenimi.
souhlasim s MG, priste si to preloz nez to sem das. spousta lidi tady anglicky neumi. JH