iTunes 10.2.2
Napsal: úte dub 19, 2011 7:59 pm
Pri instalacii novej prave vypustenej iTunes 10.2.2 som si vsimol, ze pridava aj daaky MobilMe Panel. Kedze mam 3Gcko tak to MobilMe mi asi nepojde vsak?
iTunes 10.2.2 provides a number of important bug fixes, including:
Addresses an issue where iTunes may become unresponsive when syncing an iPad.
Resolves an issue which may cause syncing photos with iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to take longer than necessary.
Fixes a problem where video previews on the iTunes Store may skip while playing.
Addresses other issues that improve stability and performance.
iTunes 10.2 came with several new features and improvements, including:
Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.3.
Improved Home Sharing. Browse and play from your iTunes libraries with Home Sharing on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.3.
EDIT: Konecne po instalacii tejto verzie sa vyriesil aj moj problem s 10.2.1, ktore mi vobec nevedeli detekovat poslednu dobu iPhone.
iTunes 10.2.2 provides a number of important bug fixes, including:
Addresses an issue where iTunes may become unresponsive when syncing an iPad.
Resolves an issue which may cause syncing photos with iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to take longer than necessary.
Fixes a problem where video previews on the iTunes Store may skip while playing.
Addresses other issues that improve stability and performance.
iTunes 10.2 came with several new features and improvements, including:
Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.3.
Improved Home Sharing. Browse and play from your iTunes libraries with Home Sharing on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.3.
EDIT: Konecne po instalacii tejto verzie sa vyriesil aj moj problem s 10.2.1, ktore mi vobec nevedeli detekovat poslednu dobu iPhone.