Ahoj, dá se nějak jinak nabít PayPal konto než přes kreditku? Třeba přes Pay Safe Card ??
omlouvám se za stupidní dotaz
PayPal a Pay Safe Card ??
- Starý pes fóra :)
- Příspěvky: 11456
- Registrován: pát črc 11, 2008 6:52 pm
Re: PayPal a Pay Safe Card ??
Dá se tomu věřit ?
For this we go to the page http://www.paysafecard2webmoney.com/paysafecard_en.html
And watch the this box will appear.
We type our code PaySafeCard and the euro are worth as much.
If you want to make several bsp 4x10 ? PaySafeCard below then click "Add another voucher" and it come to new slots.
If you have a password on the PSC, click "PASSWORD PROTECTION? and type him there.
In the column "Your PayPal E-mail address: will add your PayPal email address and in the other column "Your e-mail () for exchange confirmation:" you eamil where you get confirm of transaction .
Now you have to 20min - 12h to wait for the money that counts.
Good luck
- iPhone expert
- Příspěvky: 1238
- Registrován: pon bře 09, 2009 11:42 am